10. Canary Wharf Information & History
Canary Wharf is located in the West India Docks on the Isle of Dogs. After the docks were closed in 1980 the British Government adopted various policies to stimulate the redevelopment of the area, the creation of the LDDC in 1981 and granting the Isle of Dogs Enterprise Zone status in 1982. In 1987 the Canadian company Olympia and York agreed to construct a major office development on the Isle of Dogs, building began in 1988. Canary Wharf itself takes its name from the sea trade with the Canary Islands, whose name comes from the dogs (Latin canis) which the Spaniards found there, producing the linguistic coincidence of trade between the Dog Islands and the Isle of Dogs. The first buildings were completed in 1991 which included One Canada Square that became the UK's tallest building. In December 1995 an international consortium bought the scheme. This new company later became the Canary Wharf Group. More at wikipedia | Read lddc-history.org.uk | Also read canarywharf.com >
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